Getting Started
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ScanWiz is extremely easy to use, here is a quick guide to scanning your first document

Select Scanner
If you have more than one scanner driver on your PC you can press the Select button to choose a different scanner.

Some devices may have 2 types of drivers: Twain and Wia if you have both then we would recommend using Twain as these generally work better.

Basic Scanning
To scan just press the scan button and your scanners dialog will appear, this will be different for all makes & models of scanners so we cannot show you what the dialog will look like but they generally have similar settings such as paper size, color mode and DPI.

If you scanner settings dialog does not remember settings between scans then See: Scanning without using the default dialog


DPI is quite important and stands for dots per inch and while a higher number increases the quality is will also slow your scanning down and produce huge output files, so I would start with 200dpi and would not go higher than 300dpi but make some test scans using your own documents and see what you prefer.

After scanning you can see your images as thumbnails in the left hand side and when clicked on will show the image in the large viewing area.

The thumbnails can be rotated using the rotate buttons, single pages can be deleted or you can right-click with the mouse and cut and paste pages to rearrange the page order within the document.(See Re-order pages)

You can also press Scan again to add pages to the document

When you are happy with the document then press the Save button and you can save your scanned documents as a PDF or choose other filetypes using the drop down list.

Important: Only PDF and Tiff's can be saved as multipage documents ie. all pages in one file. If you select one of the other options then you are saving the selected image only.

See: Scanning without using the default dialog